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Impartial Reports on Sikh Genocide '84
Product Code: BK2571
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Reports from survivors and witnesses of the murder of as many as 8000 Sikhs in response to the assassination of Indira Gandhi.
During November '84, I alongwith my wife and one year old son were hiding for life in an influential Sikh's house in Patna. I alongwith others were watching live telecast on TV, the cremation of Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Khoon Kaa Badlaa Khoon was common and repeated slogans heard on DD TV. There were no efforts to conceal it and nobody condemned it or tried to stop it. After the cremation there was a public rally in Delhi. Rajiv Gandhi addressed it and it was here that he had said Jab baraa per girtaa hai to dhartee hiltee hai. At that time Mohinder Singh Sathi, a congressman was Mayor of Delhi, he got up to speak but public shouted him down because he was a Sikh. Rajiv Gandhi was watching but did not intervene to pacify the public.
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